Light it Up Blue! for TSC

Across Canada, communities are going blue again for TSC Awareness Month and the 4th Global TSC Day in 2015.  Show us your favourite neighbourhood or building dressed in TSC blue!

Ask the owners of the most prominent structure in your town to Light It Up Blue! For TSC on May 15th.

And don’t forget to ask your neighbours to Light It Up Blue! For TSC all month!  Remember to talk to your local hardware stores about ordering in a good supply of blue light bulbs.

Across Canada, communities are going blue for TSC.  Show us your favourite neighbourhood or building dressed in TSC blue!

2014 is the 2nd year that TS Canada ST Co-Chairs Cathy Evanochko and Karen Shulist had arranged for Calgary’s Langevin Bridge and Toronto’s CN Tower to wear TSC Blue.

2014 is the first year that the iconic twin towers of Toronto’s City Hall, the Skylon Tower in Niagara Falls, Canada, and the world-renowned Niagara Falls itself – on both sides of the Canada-US border – was also lit with TSC Blue!

Ask the owners of a landmark in your town to Light It Up Blue! For TSC on May 15th.

(Thank you to The Niagara Parks Commission, the Skylon Tower, the CN Tower, Toronto City Hall and the City of Calgary for photo permissions.)